Lennart de GrootPaleomagnetic laboratory Fort Hoofddijk - Utrecht University


Lecturer for the following courses in the Bachelor and Master curricula in Earth Sciences, Utrecht University

2024 - today Lecturer and coordinator for the BSc course Paleomagnetisme, Plaattektoniek en Paleogeografie (P3) (Paleomagnetism, Plate tectonics and Paleogeography (P3) (7.5 ECTS, second year BSc, ~40 students and 2 TA's per year). Developing the course from scratch, including lectures, preacticals and course materials; giving lectures; supervising TA's; making and grading exams.
2023 - today Lecturer and coordinator for the Vaste aarde module (Solid Earth module) of the first year's BSc fieldwork. This module is thaught in the village of Le Pompidou in the French Cevennes. In one week, the students make a geological map of a valley and unravel the geological history of the area. This module is one of four modules that together consitute the entire fieldwork that concludes the first year of the BSc program (15 ECTS, ~130 students per year). Developing course material; giving field supervision; leading the fieldwork team; supervising TA's; making and grading exercises.
2021 - today Guest lecturer for the Natural Hazards course (~ 100 students, second year BSc). Lecture on Space Weather and the impact of geomagnetic storms.
2020 - today Lecturer for the BSc course Wiskunde voor Aardwetenschappers (Mathematics for Earth Scientists) (7.5 ECTS, ~150 students and ~12 TA's per year). Developing course material; giving lectures; supervising TA's; making and grading exams.
2011 - today Lecturer for the MSc course Paleomagnetism (7.5 ECTS, ~25 students per year). (Re-)developing the course; designing course material; giving lectures; making and grading exams, presentations and essays.
2011 - today Lecturer/staff for the first years' BSc excursion to the Ardennes as part of the course Aardsystemen (System Earth) (~40 students and ~7 TA's per year). With one colleague a 3 or 4 days excursion is supervised. Field lecturing; supervising TA's; grading essays.
2016 - 2019 Lecturer for the BSc course Basis Wiskunde en Fysica (Fundamental Mathematics and Physics) (7.5 ECTS, ~150 students and ~12 TA's per year). Developing course material; giving lectures; supervising TA's; making and grading exams.
2010 - 2012 Lecturer for the BSc course Wiskunde voor Aardwetenschappen (Mathematics for Earth Sciences). (3.75 ECTS, ~150 students and ~12 TA's per year). Desiging course material; giving lectures; supervising TA's; making and grading exams.