03/2008 - 09/2013 |
PhD in Geophysics, cum laude, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Dissertation: High-resolution records of non-dipole variations in the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field (Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences 037), ISBN: 978-90-6266-332-3. |
02/2007 - 08/2008 |
Master program Geophysics, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Graduated in August 2008 as Master of Science. GPA: 4.0. One semester of the program was done at the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA. |
09/2002 - 05/2007 |
Bachelor program Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Graduated as Bachelor of Science in May 2007. The program was interrupted for a one year full-time membership of the board of study association A-Eskwadraat (academic year 2004–2005). |
09/2001 - 08/2002 |
Bachelor program Physics & Astronomy, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. |
05/2021 - present |
Associate professor ('Universitair hoofddocent') at paleomagnetic laboratory Fort Hoofddijk, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. |
11/2016 - 04/2021 |
Assistant professor ('Universitair docent') at paleomagnetic laboratory Fort Hoofddijk. |
01/2016 - 10/2016 |
Postdoctoral research fellow ('Onderzoeker 3') at paleomagnetic laboratory Fort Hoofddijk, working on my VENI project 'Capturing short-lived treats of the Earth’s magnetic field'. |
04/2016 - 09/2016 |
Visiting Research Fellow at the Paleomagnetics lab of Scripps Institute of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, USA, working together with prof. Lisa Tauxe on various projects. |
05/2014 - 12/2015 |
Postdoctoral research fellow ('Onderzoeker 4') at paleomagnetic laboratory Fort Hoofddijk, working on my ISES project 'Vibrating Sample Magnetometer including expertise'. |
02/2013 - 02/2014 |
Postdoctoral research fellow ('Onderzoeker 4') at paleomagnetic laboratory Fort Hoofddijk, working under supervision of prof.dr. Wout Krijgsman on his VICI project 'The evolution of the West and Central Paratethys during the Early-Middle Miocene: chronology, paleogeography and tectonics'. |
09/2012 - 02/2013 |
Extension of my PhD project to compensate the time invested as lecturer for the course 'Mathematics for Earth Sciences' for three years on a row. |
09/2008 - 08/2012 |
PhD candidate at paleomagnetic laboratory Fort Hoofddijk. PhD project: 'A new approach for determining the absolute paleointensity of the Earth’s magnetic field' under supervision of dr. Mark J. Dekkers and prof.dr. Cor G. Langereis. |
2025 - today |
Member of the Appointment Advisory Committee for the new dean of the Faculty of Geosciences of Utrecht University |
2025 - today |
Member of the Appointment Advisory Committee for a new Assistant Professor in Nanogeosciences at Utrecht University |
2022 - today |
Committee member for the Edward A. Flinn III Award of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), chair since 2024 |
2024 |
Committee member for the Communication Initiative Award by the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) |
2023 - 2024 |
Lead organiser of the 18th Castle Meeting: New trends on Paleo-, Rock- and Environmental Magnetism, Utrecht, NL |
2023 |
Chair of the Vening Meineszprize 2024 of the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) |
2023 |
Chair of the Appointment Advisory Committee for a new Assistant Professor at Paleomagnetic Laboratory Fort Hoofddijk |
2023 |
External examiner for the PhD thesis of Yoav Vaknin, Tel Aviv University |
2021 |
Committee member for the Vening Meineszprize 2022 of the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) |
2021 |
External examiner for the PhD VIVA of Simon Lloyd, University of Liverpool, UK |
2020 |
Co-convener of the session ‘Earth's core structure, dynamics and evolution: observations, models, experiments’, EGU General Assembly (virtual) |
2017 - 2020 |
Early career representative on the board of the Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism, and Electromagnetism section of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) |
2017 |
Convener of the session 'Fundamental rock and Mineral Magnetism', AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA |
2017 |
Co-convener of the session 'eLightning General Contributions in Geomagnetism Paleomagnetism and Electromagnetism', AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA |
2016 - 2017 |
Lead organiser of the 'International Conference on Rock Magnetism 2017' (ICRM17), Utrecht, NL |
2015 |
Convener of the session 'Fundamental rock and Mineral Magnetism', AGU Fall Meeting |
2013 |
Convener of the session 'Full vector records of Earth's ancient magnetic field: methods and models', AGU Fall Meeting |
2008 - 2013 |
Board member of PhD Network Utrecht (PrOUt). Chair from 09/2009 – 02/2011, treasurer from 02/2011 – 03/2013 |
10/2024 |
Invited presentation 'Unraveling the behavior of the Earth’s magnetic field using Micromagnetic Tomography', at the annual symposium 'Connecting Mathematical Methods across Utrecht University', Utrecht University |
10/2024 |
Lab meeting 'Micromagnetic Tomography for Paleomagnetism and Rock-Magnetism' in prof. Weiss lab, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA |
01/2024 |
Invited presentation 'Which grains carry our signals? Clues from Micromagnetic Tomography', DEEP workshop organized by prof. Biggin, University of Liverpool |
08/2023 |
Invited presentation 'Studying signals from Taveuni’s recent lavas to unravel the behavior of a global geomagnetic anomaly', University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji |
07/2023 |
Invited presentation 'Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism by Micromagnetic Tomography', 13th IRM Conference on Rock Magnetism, Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota, USA |
01/2023 |
Invited seminar 'Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism by Micromagnetic Tomography', TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany |
09/2022 |
Invited seminar 'MIMATOM: Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism by Micromagnetic Tomography', The Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, University of Oslo, Norway |
01/2022 |
Invited seminar 'Magnetic recording properties of lava - a case study on the 2021 La Palma eruption', Multi-scale laboratories network seminar series, EPOS NL |
01/2021 |
Invited seminar 'Micromagnetic Tomography for Paleomagnetism and Rock-magnetism', Earth and Planetary Magnetism Group seminar, LMU Münich, Germany |
10/2019 |
Invited seminar 'Unravelling the behavior of the geomagnetic field by pushing paleomagnetism to the micro-scale', Earth and Planetary Magnetism Group seminar, ETH Zürich, Switzerland |
06/2018 |
Invited lecture 'The geomagnetic field: the Earth's invisible shield against radiation from the universe', Bachelor's Honours program, Leiden University, The Netherlands |
01/2018 |
Seminar 'Micromagnetic tomography: Going to the grain scale to obtain reliable paleomagnetic field intensities', Earth Planets Space group, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA |
01/2017 |
Invited presentation 'Micro-magnetic tomography in practise', Magnetic Interactions Meeting, Edinburgh, UK |
08/2016 |
Invited presentation 'Unraveling the short-term behavior of the Earth’s magnetic field', Earth and Planetary Science Seminars, University of California - Berkeley, CA, USA |
06/2016 |
Invited lecture on Paleointensities at the IRM Summer School, Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA |
04/2016 |
Invited presentation 'The multi-method approach for high resolution full-vector curves of geomagnetic intensity variations', EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, AT |
04/2016 |
Invited presentation 'The potential of micro-magnetic tomography', EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, AT |
10/2015 |
Invited presentation 'Unravelling the short-term behavior of the Earth's magnetic field', Friday Earth Sciences Talk (FEST), department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, NL |
06/2015 |
Invited lecture 'Origin and significance of the geomagnetic field', Bachelor's Honours program, Leiden University, NL |
12/2014 |
Invited presentation 'Meta-stable magnetic domain states that prevent reliable absolute paleointensity experiments revealed by magnetic force microscopy', AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA |
04/2014 |
Invited presentation 'High-resolution records of non-dipole variations derived from volcanic edifices', EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, AT |
05/2012 |
Invited presentation 'Absolute paleointensities: methods & tests', University of Liverpool, UK |
01/2016 - present |
Company Emergency Response Officer (bedrijfshulpverlener, BHV), degree awarded by the Nederlands Instituut voor Bedrijfshulpverlening (NIBHV) |
05/2023 |
Suicide prevention training, specialized training by the RINO Group focused on recognizing suicide risk in adolescents. Developing skills in identifying warning signs, initiating supportive conversations, and effectively referring individuals to professional help. |
10/2022 - 06/2023 |
Research Leadership Development program, a training programme for talented researchers at Utrecht University who have recently been appointed to lead a research group, Utrecht University. |
12/2020 |
Active bystander training, workshop at Utrecht University on recognizing and addressing inappropriate behavior. Gained practical tools to intervene effectively, foster open discussions, and contribute to a respectful and inclusive environment. |
11/2017 - 03/2020 |
Speaker for the Rector's League, Utrecht University's program to promote science among High School students |
12/2015 |
Associate LabVIEW developer, degree awarded by National Instruments |
08/2010 - 01/2014 |
Basic University Teaching Qualification (basis kwalificatie onderwijs, BKO), graduated in January 2014 |
07/2010 |
Doctoral summer school of the League of European research universities (LERU), ‘Communication about research – Towards a sustainable future’, 4-13 July, Utrecht |